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Elizabeth Garone, MHS, PA-C
Physician Associate Program

Elizabeth Garone, MHS, PA-C

Assistant Professor

1122 NE 13TH ST, 2nd Floor, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73117

405-271-8001 Ext. 39076

Mrs. Garone is an Assistant Professor with the Physician Associate Program. Her primary teaching responsibilities include education during the didactic phase of the program. She is a 1998 graduate of the University of Oklahoma Physician Associate Program, earning a Master of Health Sciences. Prior to her faculty appointment, her clinical experiences included Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, and Psychiatry. Mrs. Garone also holds a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from Oklahoma State University.

Academic Section(s):

Physician Associate Program


MHS: Physician Associate Studies – OU Health Sciences Center- OKC (1998)

BS: Biological Sciences - Oklahoma State University (1996)