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Family and Preventive Medicine

Elizabeth Wickersham, MD, MS, CAQ-Hospice and Palliative Medicine

Associate Professor 
Associate Residency Program Director

Family Medicine Center Building
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
​900 NE 10th Street
Oklahoma City, OK  73104

(405) 271-2370

Academic Section(s):

OUFMC Research Division


Brown University, Providence, RI, 1984 – 1985
BS: University of Oklahoma, 1985 – 1988
MD: OUHSC, College of Medicine, 1992 – 1996
Great Plains Family Practice Residency, 1996 – 1999
MS: OUHSC, 2014 – 2017

Board Certification(s):

07/1999 – 12/31/2026    Family Medicine, American Board of Family Medicine

11/2010 – 12/31/2030    Hospital & Palliative Medicine, American Board of Family Medicine


Great Plains Family Practice Residency Program, Oklahoma City, OK. 1996 – 1999

Clinical/Research Interests:

  • Advanced Directives
  • Hospice
  • Palliative Care
  • Evidence-based Medicine
  • Patient Empowerment
  • Minimizing Unhealthy Behaviors
  • Clinical and Translational Research
  • Health Informatics
  • Community-based Research



HR20-0867     PI: Aurélie Azoug, PhD (OSU)   09/2020 – 08/2023
A Smart Skin to Treat and Prevent Pressure Ulcers
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST)
The long-term goal of this project is to understand the mechanical factors leading to ulceration and develop a durable pressure redistribution medical device treating and preventing pressure ulcers without decreasing the quality of life of the patients, while decreasing the often significant financial burden of treating pressure ulcers. The project involves developing a model of the mechanical behavior of a new material and setting up the experiments to validate the model.
Role: Physician Consultant

Grant # 1 U1QHP330820100    PI: Lee Jennings   07/2019 – 06/2021
DHHS / HRSA / Bureau of Health Workforce
Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program
The program established by the grant will focus on two overarching objectives: educating the current and future workforce to better care for people with dementia, and creating dementia-friendly health systems. Unfortunately, Oklahoma ranks near the bottom in several quality of life and health rankings for older adults and hopefully our upcoming efforts will improve those numbers.
Role: Co-PI



ME-1403-11937   Nagykaldi (PI)   01/01/2015 – 12/31/2017
Development of a Patient-Directed Queries Network to Engage Patients and Prioritize Their Questions to Inform the PCORI Research Agenda
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
In collaboration with a patient advisory board, a patient advocacy group, a community coalition, and three practice-based research networks, we will address gaps in patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) methods in the areas of engagement and prioritization, focusing on longitudinal engagement between researchers and existing patient- and community-based organizations and use of value of information calculations. We will learn how these successful groups have achieved engagement and prioritized opportunities. We will then develop recommendations for enhancements.
Role: Co-Investigator

1P30HS021644-01  Nagykaldi (PI)   09/01/2012 – 08/31/2017
Establishing the Coordinated Consortium of Networks (CoCoNet)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
This initiative will create a formal, coordinated coalition of regional practice-based research networks called CoCoNet (the Coordinated Coalition of Networks) that will include a broad spectrum of practices, clinicians, and patients from 4 different parts of the country.
Role: Co-Investigator

Select Honors and Accomplishments:

2021       Top Doctors 2021. Castle Connolly Top Doctors.

2020       Top Doctors 2020. Oklahoma Magazine, June Issue.

2019       Exceptional Reviewer Award. Annals of Internal Medicine – the flagship journal of the          American College of Physicians (ACP).

2018       OU Medicine Award for Outstanding Patient Service. OU Medical Center, OUHSC. Oklahoma City, OK

2017       OU Medicine Award for Outstanding Patient Service. OU Medical Center, OUHSC. Oklahoma City, OK

2017       Teacher of the Year, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, OUHSC, COM. Oklahoma City, OK.

2016       OU Medicine Award for Outstanding Patient Service. OU Medical Center. Oklahoma City, OK

1994       Ciba-Geigy Award for Outstanding Community Service

1993       Children’s Medical Research Scholar

Select Publications:


  1. Lust O, Chongsuwat T, Lanham E, Chou AF, Wickersham E. Does Exercise Prevent Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnant Women? A Clin-IQ. Journal of Patient Centered Research and Review. Summer 2021;8(3):281-285. DOI 10.3122/jabfm.2019.02.180236
  2. Kooner T, Varughese A, Wendelboe MA, Wickersham EA, Chou AF. In patients with chronic migraines, is Botox therapy more effective than placebo in reducing frequency and severity of headaches? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. May-June 2021; 114(3): 114-117.
  3. Chou AF, Wickersham E, Bratzler DW, Drevets D, Wendelboe AM. Is antibody testing for COVID-19 in the general population a useful diagnostic tool? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. May/June 2020; 113(3): 98-106
  4. Li J, Gragert D, Wickersham E, Chou A. In patients with patellar tendinopathy, do platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections result in lower pain scores, in comparison to common modalities? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. May/June 2020; 113(3): 117-120
  5. Montes B, Sosa, Wickersham E, Chou AF. Clin-IQ. Does restricting or eliminating caffeine consumption improve fetal outcomes of pregnancy? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. Jan/Feb 2020; 113(1): 12-15
  6. Wendelboe AM, Mathew R, Chongsuwat T, Rainwater E, Wendelboe MA, Wickersham E, Chou AF. Is There Less Opioid Abuse in States Where Marijuana Has Been Decriminalized, Either for Medicinal or Recreational Use? A Clin-IQ. Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews. Fall 2019; 6(4): 267-273
  7. Wickersham E, Gowin M, Deen MH, Nagykaldi Z. Improving the Adoption of Advance Directives in Primary Care Practices. J Am Board Fam Med. Mar-Apr 2019;32(2):168-179.
  8. Stubbs C, Mattingly L, Crawford SA, Wickersham EA, Brockhaus JL, McCarthy LH. Do SSRIs and SNRIs reduce the frequency and/or severity of hot flashes in menopausal women. J Okla State Med Assoc. May 2017;110:272-4
  9. Nagykaldi Z, Dave A, Kristof C, Watts T, Utpala S, Wickersham E. Exploring and Improving Patient-Clinician Conversations During Annual Wellness Visits. J Am Board Fam Med. March-April 2017;30(2):161-169
  10. Madison S, Brown EA, Franklin R, Wickersham EA, McCarthy LH. Nasal saline or intranasal corticosteroids to treat allergic rhinitis in children. J Okla State Med Assoc. 2016;109 (4-5): 152-153. (PMCID4918463; PMID27328556)
  11. Jatala S, Fitzgerald S, Tietze P, Ramakrishnan K, McCarthy LH, Wickersham E. What are the recommended timing and screening modalities for women at higher risk of developing breast cancer? A Clin-IQ. Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews 2015;2(1): 38-42
  12. Highlander SK, Wickersham EA, Garza O, Weinstock GM. Expression of the Pasteurella haemolytica leukotoxin is inhibited by a locus that encodes an ATP-binding cassette homolog. Infection and Immunity 1993; 61(9):3942-3951
  13. Silverman PM, Wickersham E, Rainwater S, Harris R. Regulation of the F plasmid tra Y promoter in Escherichia coli K12 as a function of sequence context. Journal of Molecular Biology 1991; 220(2):271-279
  14. Silverman PM, Wickersham E, Harris R. Regulation of the F plasmid traY promoter in Escherichia coli by host and plasmid factors. Journal of Molecular Biology 1991 218(1):119-128
  15. Silverman P, Wickersham E, Harris R. F plasmid tra Y promoter activity in E.coli is regulated by two separate mechanisms. Abstract presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, 1990, Washington, DC


  1. Wickersham EA. Atrial Fibrillation: The Facts. The Bulletin. Oklahoma County Medical Society 2016; 4th ed., vol. 89: 8-10