Parent Page: Directory id: 22535 Active Page: Detailsid:23325



Felipe Velasquez Botero, MD

Felipe Velasquez Botero, MD

Radiology Resident

Neil M. Venardos, MD

Neil M. Venardos, MD

Assistant Professor of Surgery

Francesca Veon, DO

Francesca Veon, DO

Dermatology Resident

Dirk Verbrugghe, MD

Dirk Verbrugghe, MD

Assistant Professor

Uttam Verma, MD

Uttam Verma, MD

Assistant Professor 

Neurocritical Care Neurology 

Travis Vernier, MD

Travis Vernier, MD

Family and Preventive Medicine Resident

David Vien, MD

David Vien, MD

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Baylor College of Medicine


Senthuran Vijayarajah, MD

Senthuran Vijayarajah, MD

Assoc. Fellowship Program Director,
Pediatric Critical Care
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Pediatric Cardiac Intensivist

Lance M. Villeneuve, M.D., Ph.D.

Lance M. Villeneuve, M.D., Ph.D.

Neurosurgery Resident
