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Katsiaryna H. Bailor, MD

Katsiaryna H. Bailor, MD

Volunteer Faculty

Facial Plastics & Reconstructive Surgery

Vivek K. Bajpai, M.B.BS., M. Tech., PH.D.

Vivek K Bajpai, M.B.B.S., M. Tech., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

School of Sustainable Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering

OU Gallogly College of Engineering

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Dermatology

Awais Bajwa, MD

Awais Bajwa, MD

Second-Year Pulmonary & Critical Care Fellow

Shammas Bajwa, MD

Shammas Bajwa, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor, OUHSC
Hospitalist, OU Health

Brandon Baker, MD

Brandon Baker, MD

Home State

Medical School
University of Oklahoma

Ashley Baker, MD

Ashley Baker, MD

Director, Sickle Cell Program

Director, TLC/Survivorship Program

Assoociate Professor

Mary Z. Baker, MD

Mary Zoe Baker, MD

David Ross Boyd Professor of Medicine
Interim Section Chief 
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism 
Paul H. and Doris Eaton Travis Chair in Endocrinology
Edith Gaylord Kinney Presidential Professor

Haley Baker, MD

Haley E. Baker, MD

Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident

Education Chair

Harini Balakrishnan, MD

Harini Balakrishnan, MD

Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident
