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Abigail York

Abigail York, M.D.

Neurosurgery Resident

Houssein Youness, MD, FCCP

Houssein Youness, MD, FCCP

Professor, Medicine
Section Chief, Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine Section
Director of the Interventional Pulmonary Program, Oklahoma City VAHCS
President, Oklahoma Thoracic Society
Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians

Andrew Young, MD

Andrew Young, MD

Family and Preventive Medicine Resident

Leah Yturri, PA-C

Leah Yturri, PA-C

General ENT Hospitalist

Zhongxin Yu, MD

Zhongxin Yu, MD

Oklahoma State Association of Pathologists Endowed Professor
Director, Pediatric Pathology
Director, Pediatric Autopsy Service

Xichun Yu, MD

Xichun Yu, MD

Professor of Research

Chelsea Yun, MD

Chelsea Yun, MD

Home Town: Aurora, Colorado

Wake Forrest Univeristy

Danielle Zabala, MD

Danielle Zabala, MD

Hometown: Kountze, Texas

University of Texas SOM  San Antonio

Hussnain Zafar, MD

Hussnain Zafar, MD

Internal Medicine Resident
