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Chi Bun Chan, Ph.D.

Chi Bun Chan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
School of Biological Sciences
The University of Hong Kong

Leslie Chandler, MSN, MS, MPH, APRN-CNP

Leslie Chandler, MSN, MS, MPH, APRN-CNP

Clinical Instructor

Vishal Chandra, PhD

Vishal Chandra, PhD

Assistant Professor, Section of Gynecologic Oncology

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology

Siva Sai Chandragiri

Siva Sai Chandragiri, BS, MS

PhD Candidate, Pathology

Dr. Anna Csiszar's Lab

Christina Chapman, MD, MSPH

Christina Chapman, MD, MSPH

Assistant Professor, OUHSC
Hospitalist, OU Health

Adria S. Chappel, PhD, RN, BSN, MS

Adria S. Chappel, PhD, RN, BSN, MS

Clinical Instructor

General Neurology 

Leah Charlton

Leah Charlton, APRN-CNP

Senior Advanced Practice Provider

Trassanee "Pearl" Chatmethakul
Aanchal Chaudhary, MD

Aanchal Chaudhary, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor, OUHSC
Hospitalist, OU Health
